Discover your Heart through Permaculture

    Discover your Heart through Permaculture

The ethics of earth care, people care and sharing surplus are one of Permacullture’s unique contribution in our today world. They actually point the way to a new paradigm, from survival and lack of, to abundance and sharing.

Permaculture design provides a system which allows us to move deeply into our abused eco-systems and release their inherent potential.

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Alternative Approaches to Traditional Beekeeping in Bali

The traditional Balinese methods for harvesting honey are not larvae and hive growth supportive. While the general practice is to only harvest 40% or less of the hive, because of the fact that wild Balinese bees build their hives such that brood cells and honey cells are in the same area of the hive - generally the bottom two thirds are brood cells with larvae and the top third are the honey cells. This differs greatly from western honeybees that build their brood cells in a separate part of the hive from the honey storage cells. As such, the traditional Balinese methods to harvest honey simply include removing the entire section of honeycomb - both brood cells and honey cells - and processing all of it. The honey is extracted and the brood cells are boiled and the larvae are eaten. If new extraction methods can be achieved, hopefully honey harvesting can be done without destroying the larvae or the existing honeycomb, which will hopefully improve hive health and increase honey production.


Read our entire research here

In English

In Indonesian

Congratulations, Wira!

Wira, our head of the Lagu Damai foundation, after 4 years of intense studies has graduated in Social Politics with the degree S.SOS here in Bali. Some of us attend the ceremony, which was quite formal and of course with extended speeches, some beautiful Balinese dances and singing the national hymn etc..

Wira and his wife an daughter who were present is very happy and his family very proud of his achievement.

He received a diploma and a medal which was hung around his neck .

The story of Gede

We are sponsoring a youth up in the mountains and visited his house to establish the criteria needed for admission into our sponsor program This is for the senior high school student, Gede, who lives in most simple circumstances with his family. The parents do have primary school education only and wish to see their children to be well educated. They try everything to provide the money for the fees of the school. Gede was not able to join part of the last semester since the family had no money to pay for the fee.

Lagu Damai foundation is evaluating and will support Gede, after speaking now to this teacher at school. You can see in the photos Gede and his two siblings, a view into the kitchen where the family has no running water and has to get the water from 100 m below in the valley. They offered us a Jackfruit to taste and to savor.