The pineapple harvest

We wish you an interesting, fascinating and at moments peaceful 2019!

How to ride the waves of all these various global and local and personal events will be the challenge. All points to many changes and new approaches and discoveries. On this note, we will remain with the first item in our gardens, the incredible wealth of our pineapple growth and harvest. The sweetness of its taste. What a difference.

This year’s harvest of pineapples stretches for several months. we grow two types, a Javanese and a smaller Balinese one which is of an exquisite sweetness. After being cut from the plant, which is left to grow another fruit, the tops are removed and replanted and will grow into another pineapple. We have several ways of using the delicious fruit. one, to open and eat. One of our kitchen fairies, Jani, made for the first time a pineapple marmalade , trying out with sugar and with stevia as a sweetener. Made and Nyoman dry the pineapple slices and package them to sell and replant the removed tops in the garden..

Gifts from the garden



Passion fruit and pineapples are looking beautiful. Jiwa Damai has about 100 pineapple plants which come to fruition at different times. Once the pineapple is eaten its green top cut of, this top will be right away replanted and a new pineapple will grow there. Passionfruit is a beautiful vine which has by now covered our wooden Lumbung in the garden and give is it a very enchanted touch. The fruit is slightly accede and very refreshing.



