Yoga Retreat



We hosted a 24 day yoga training retreat at Jiwa Damai organized by School Yoga Insitute, it was a most interesting and intense experience.

Yoga 2

Yoga 2

About 30 young people training day after day, getting up at 6 am to Meditate, then doing their Yoga postures, getting lectures about anatomy and sutras and much more. Our kitchen was working high speed, providing the vegetarian cuisine and many smoothies and of course, fresh coconut juice.

It was a pleasure to see so many young people learning and exploring themselves through this training. They will be back next year and are very much welcome.

Internship: Permaculture Through the Heart

BALI Internship: Permaculture Through the Heart

May 15 - June 14, 2013

This innovative program blends the core principles of tropical Permaculture gardening with Self exploration from a transpersonal psychological perspective. "Experiencing Permaculture through the heart" presents a unique opportunity to combine class room Permaculture learning with “hands-on” experience, complementing the active physical engagement with the soil with an inner attitude of loving alignment with the earth. The internship is a combination of personal growth processes, allowing our heart energy to flow into our work with the earth, environment, water, soil, plants and people. This program is the first of its kind, working with the psychological framework of the mind, theoretical Permaculture principles, design and planning, planting, harvesting and food preparation - all in alignment with the heart energy.

“Permaculture through the Heart” is a modular seminar. You can choose if you want to book the entire program or if you only want to book the 1. and/or 2. week.

Join us !

For more information please inquire at: and visit our website

Mandala garden


Yoga session

Yoga class at Jiwa Damai

with a little help

...from our friends... Jiwa Damai is developing and blooming. ;-) One of our great volunteers, Justin from Chicago, gave a wonderful contribution to Jiwa Damai.

Justin helped us very much to improve our website and to promote our organic products. He designed a new label for our products, for our product line, and photographed all the items. He then uploaded all pics, along with new product descriptions to our website.




Check out the excellent work he's done:

banana-02 Kopie

banana-02 Kopie

chili-02 Kopie

chili-02 Kopie

coconut-02 Kopie

coconut-02 Kopie

coconutflour-02 Kopie

coconutflour-02 Kopie

honey-02 Kopie

honey-02 Kopie

jackfruit-02 Kopie

jackfruit-02 Kopie


Cleansing of the lotus pond



Recently we had to clean the lotus pond at Jiwa Damai, since it was overgrowing with weeds.

Aitor and Justin, our two volunteers, as well as Wira, Jiwa Damai's coordinator, were getting ready to get into the mud of the lotus pond. To avoid possible skin irritations they covered their legs with large plastic bags, which are held at the top of the legs with tapes.

Preparation to work in the mud

Preparation to work in the mud

However once they were in the pond, they found the mud quite agreeable and liked to walk and work in it, more like a mud bath.

Lotus pond

Lotus pond

The growing weeds were pulled out and then the roots separated from the leaves which are used as mulch for our garden. In the ponds also grow large amounts of cancun, Balinese spinach which we use in our kitchen. Most probably we will eat Balinese spinach for the next three days. ;-)

Soul, the Jiwa Damai Baby



This is Soul, the first child born at Jiwa Damai. This picture is taken in Jiwa Damai at age 1 month.

The bay was born in a natural underwater birth, so called Lotus birth, where the placenta remains attached until it dries up by itself, which happened the second day after the birth. The Mom was assisted by her husband and Ibu Robin, a famous Balinese midwife.

In this picture one of our volunteers is taking care of the one month old Soul at Jiwa Damai.



Here, Margret is visiting Miquela and Soul, which had grown tremendously for age 4 months, in upstate New York.



Rainy season - overflowing rivers

Downpouring rain

Downpouring rain

The rainy season has arrived - but these downpouring rains cause us some problems.

Due to the incredible powerful rains, our little river swelled to a ripping torrent. Many trees along the river were uprooted. Those trees which remained standing, lost most of the supportive earth and now their roots are stretched into the air.



To prevent other tree losses, the sand bags were placed directly around the roots to prevent possible future torrents from uprooting more trees.

river 2

river 2

Rainy season on Bali

Downpouring rain

Downpouring rain

Lately it has been raining a lot here on Bali.

The rains come all of a sudden and disappear the same way. The raindrops are warm but sometimes so hard that they destroy our young plants in the gardens.

The waters of the ponds become alive withe the rain drops dancing on it.



Saraswati our goddess of arts, culture and education remains majestically still, no raindrops can disturb her.

Shiva in the rain

Shiva in the rain