Permaculture Gardening Workshop

This workshop 'Basic of organic edible gardening' was the first one in a series of permaculture teachings we offer in conjunction with unfolding the HeartSelf-Intelligence at Jiwa Damai. It was a two day workshop introducing permaculture gardening for small gardens. Stephanie who is teaching the class presented a wonderful mixture of lecture, movie and practical hands on in the garden. The participants seem to have enjoyed this very much.







The next one will be our 4 week internship program beginning September 2 until September 29: Permaculture through the Heart.

For more information please visit our website:

Organic dried fruit from Jiwa Damai

At Jiwa Damai we are producing many different kinds of dried fruit and vegetables. All produce is from our organic farm, harvested and freshly processed in our raw food drying oven.

Dried Bananas

In our

organic garden

we grow about 8 different varieties of bananas. Each taste is unique and they are best eaten when not too ripe and the skin is still greenish-yellow. They are gently and slowly air dried in our dehydrator to keep their extraordinary flavor.



banana-02 Kopie

banana-02 Kopie

Dried Papaya

Harvested from trees spotting our garden, our papayas are plump and juicy. When dried, the flavor pops and they make a delicious snack for any time of day or a vitamin-packed addition to any meal.



papaya-02 Kopie

papaya-02 Kopie

Dried Jackfruit

The jackfruit grows high up in the trees and can reach a weight of 10 -12 kg. Once the giant fruit is harvested, opened and its inner fruit compartments separated, the fresh fruit is available to be plucked out, its black stone removed, immediately sliced and gently air dried, thus keeping its fresh and aromatic flavor.



jackfruit-02 Kopie

jackfruit-02 Kopie

Aligning with the Heart of the Earth

Aligning with the Heart of the Earth Monday 16— Sunday 22 December 2013

The seminar setting is in a natural tropical environment which provides a conducive space where a deep connection with one's own heart and the heart of the earth may unfold. An alignment with the own potential and the earth's potential means to welcome the present changes as symptoms of one's own and the earth's growth process. A profound acceptance is needed to align with the heart of the earth's vibrational frequency and welcome the process of moving into the new. The seminar is based on The HeartSelf-Intelligence® method, a transpersonal psychological approach.

Included in the cost are seminar, daily morning yoga class, heart meditation in the evening, accommodation, transfers, excursions, three meals per day .

Price:  $US 1220

For more information on seminars please visit our website:—seminars/ E-mail:

Digital StillCamera

Digital StillCamera

Earth Day at Jiwa Damai

Earth Day 2013 on April 21st was a wonderful event, which was made possible through the cooperation of Jiwa Damai and Indonesia Organic.All in all we counted about 400 visitors to Jiwa Damai, enjoying the various presentations, vendors, games and activities.

The entrance to Jiwa Damai was decorated with posters reflecting our sad state of taking care of the environment.



The booths and activities you entered after the entrance were supposed to show answers to the problems.



In the south building we were showing presentations covering issues from biogas production to meditation.

The meditation area was the place for music and dance performances.









In addition to the music and dance, we had artists and painters creating and exhibiting their work.



Furthermore we had games for the children, and also the snake man who was playing with different snakes, animating our visitors to touch them as well.



The organization of Earth Day was made possible through the cooperation of Jiwa Damai and Indonesia Organic. We were supported by over 60 students from a nearby school, helping  us for days to set up, decorate and organize this special event.


Review: Permaculture Design Certification Course

From Febuary 24th to March 12th we held our first Permaculture Design Certification Course at Jiwa Damai.The group consisted of 30 participants coming from India, Australia, USA, Germany, Austria and Bali.

The internationally renowned teachers Rico Zook and Jeremiah Kidd did a great job in teaching the class.

One part of the PCD course was theoretical learning in the 'classroom'. Here the participants are introduced to the various flows in nature.

PDC class

PDC class

The other part was practical hands-on-experience in the organic garden. Here our group is learning to measure the PH content of the soil.

PH soil

PH soil

During the 16 days course the participants were instructed to create IMO, indigenous microorganisms, using bamboo, cooked rice and sugar. This mixture needs to ferment for 4 days and then this fungus can be used to fertilize compost to create a larger stock.



These are some hand-made measurement instruments to properly measure size and topography of a land.

measurement instrument

measurement instrument

Back to the real roots

Singkong roots

Singkong roots

Our garden harbours  very powerful roots in the earth. Tapioca the large root you see is used in many Indonesian and Balinese dishes. It can be made into dumplings and chips. The leaves are used as spinach on Bali .



The Taro, the small red roots can be used like potatoes. They are quite starchy.

Both, Tapioca and Taro, carry many nutrients and are delicious to eat.

chopping the roots

chopping the roots

Potato Tower at Jiwa Damai

The potato tower is our latest invention in the permaculture garden.Since it proved impossible to grow potatoes in the wet soil here at Jiwa Damai, we had to think a bout a different way how to grow potatoes. We decided to create a tower that is filled with stones, sand and earth, so the water is able to flow through it and thus the potatoes are kept dry.



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Blog Jd 001

Our gardeners , together with a volunteer took on the task to dig the whole in the ground, which was needed to place the potato tower. The tower itsself is made out of woven bamboo sticks.



Now our experiment of growing potatoes is ready to start!

We will keep you updated on the progress :-)

Balinese Penjor for Galungan festivities

The Penjor is a traditional Balinese decoration made for the Galungan festival. Galungan is a traditional Balinese celebration, similar to a Western Christmas, where families get together.The Penjor is usually made by the head of the family, and it takes a whole day for the family to put it together.  It is then erected outside each family compound.





The Penjor is made and assembled then it is erected in front of the house / compound.

What a beautiful piece of art!

